On July 6, 2021, to help people impacted by the wildfire disaster in Lytton, over 70 hampers with foods and groceries donated by our members, by Greater Vancouver Food Bank and FoodMesh, by Dan-D-Foods Ltd and Flight Gourmet were packed and delivered to Fraser Lands Church for shipping to Lytton. Thanks to all volunteering members and donors’ involvement and special thanks to Fraser Lands Church for allowing us participating in such a meaningful eventp二零二一年七月六日,為脤濟于Lytton 鎮受山火影響的居民、本會包裝七十多份由熱心會員,大溫食物庫,食物重生計劃,永康食品公司及航空食品公司捐贈出的食物及日用品參與菲沙崙敎會的賑災活動。感謝各熱心義務會員及贊助商的配合更特別感謝菲沙崙教會讓本會參與此極有意義的行動
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