Our Association has been approved to be a community partner of GVFB. Starting from July 2021, we can pick up foods from GVFB for distribution to the vulnerable community in need of food. To receive food from our Association, please phone 604-685-3857 every Saturday and Sunday between 8:30am to 11:30am for arrangement. We greatly appreciate everyone’s assistance in spreading the message around.獲批凖成為大溫食物庫的社區伙伴、本會由七月份起可定期接收食物庫的食物派給大溫區內弱勢社群及露宿者等。敬請有需食物人士於每星期六,日早上八時三十分至十一時三十分聯絡本會預約安排領取。預約電話:604-685-3857。敬希各界向有關人士轉達此訊息。謝謝!